Welcome to your multi-media chameleon education resource!

Virtual Campus

Jackson's Chameleon

The virtual campus is a forum where you can communicate on a daily basis with me and a tight knit community of people who love chameleons and are dedicated to pushing our husbandry forward, Click here to learn more about how you can take a step deeper into immersing yourself in chameleon herpetoculture!

Chameleon Parasite Digital Course

Chameleon Parasites

One of the best ways to level up your chameleon herpetoculture is to learn how to do your own chameleon fecal analysis. This digital course teaches you how to do it.

Chameleon Basics

Jacksons chameleon
Chameleon Basics

Get an overview of chameleon husbandry. A great course for those starting out and wanting to do the best for their chameleon.

Cage Review Checklist

blue panther chameleon

A checklist to verify your chameleon cage is giving everything it needs to for your chameleon.

The Chameleon Academy Newsletter

Join the Newsletter

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    As part of the Chameleon Academy outreach I hold three live, interactive sessions per week on the Chameleon Academy YouTube account.

    Current Live Session Schedule:

    Tuesday’s 5-6PM Pacific on Chameleon Academy YouTube

    Saturdays 12 Noon – 1PM Pacific on Chameleon Academy YouTube

    Latest Update

    hatchling chameleon in the bushes

    There is a lot to take in when you are planning to care for hatchling chameleons! I give you the five commandments that will get you started on a solid foundation!

    Chameleon Academy Journal

    baby trioceros cristatus
    Chameleon Academy Journal

    The Chameleon Academy Journal contains news articles, product reviews, show schedules, and reader image galleries. There will also be the schedule for the month so you know what is going on in the Chameleon Academy outreach. If you would like the information to come to your inbox then you can click here to view and join the Chameleon Academy Journal.

    Care Guides

    Red body Blue Bar Panther Chameleon
    Care Guides

    Detailed Chameleon species Care Guides

    Click here for a Chameleon Cage Shopping List!

    chameleon cage shopping list
    Cage Shopping List

    Newly updated Chameleon cage shopping list with a downloadable .pdf with links and a webpage full of explanations

    Buying a Chameleon Egg

    baby panther chameleon
    Buying a Chameleon Egg

    If you have purchased a chameleon egg and are now preparing for caring for a hatchling, this episode will guide you through the steps to make sure that when your egg hatches you will have the highest chance of success.

    New Webpage

    Jackson's Chameleon
    Chameleon FAQs

    A collection of frequently asked questions about a wide variety of chameleon topics. Click here and browse the questions most asked by people wanting to learn more about chameleons!

    Chameleon Academy Shirts and Merchandise!

    Click the below image to go to our storefront where you can pick up Chameleon Academy branded merchandise!

    chameleon merch

    The Most Common Chameleon Husbandry Questions

    Yvette and Jackson's

    New To Chameleons!
    What do I need to know?

    If you are not sure where to start – Start here!

    Baby Jacksons Chameleon

    Surprised by Chameleon Babies!
    What Do I do?

    Surprise! Some chameleons have live birth! Click here for emergency information if this happens to you!

    Machakos Hills Jacksons Chameleon

    Why is My Chameleon Acting Like This?

    Chameleons have a wide range of behaviors. Click here to start learning what they mean!

    chameleon vet

    Is My Chameleon Okay?
    When Should I to go to a Vet?

    We can’t replace a vet’s expert eye, but it is important you know the warning signs of a health problem!

    Which Chameleon Should I Get?

    So you are doing it right and researching your chameleon. But how to make a decision from all the incredible chameleons out there? Here is some insight to help you make an informed decision!

    baby chameleon being handled

    How do I Handle My Chameleon?

    Chameleons are uniquely structured animals. Here is how to handle them properly.

    chameleon plants icon

    What Plants Can I Use For My Chameleon Cage?

    Here is a guide to selecting and using safe plants for your chameleon cage!

    Chameleon Kit

    Transitioning from the Chameleon Kit

    One of the most common starter cages is the ZooMed Chameleon Kit. But the set-up must be exact and you must quickly transition to the adult cage set-up. This seminar tells you how to do it.

    Courses Available

    The first term of the Chameleon Academy has been launched with Getting Started With Chameleons. This collection of courses assumes no prior knowledge of chameleons and guides you through the important steps towards a long, healthy life for your chameleon. These courses can be viewed independently, of course, but they are designed to flow one after another. If you would like to go through the entire set of courses as intended, then start with Chameleon Basics and follow the navigation at the bottom of each page. Please enjoy the course presentations that make up Term 1: Getting Started With Chameleons.

    Jacksons chameleon
    Chameleon Basics

    Get an overview of chameleon husbandry. A great course for those starting out and wanting to do the best for their chameleon.

    Chameleon Parasites
    Hunting Microscopic Chameleon Parasites

    This course gives you what you need to know to understand the parasite lifecycle, how they interact with chameleons, and how to treat them. It prepares you to be a fully engaged partner with your veterinarian in keeping your chameleon at top health!

    Blue Panther Chameleon
    Choosing Your Chameleon

    Choosing your chameleon is an exciting thing, but it can be overwhelming. In this course you’ll learn the differences and will be able to make an educated decision.

    chameleon cage row
    Selecting A Chameleon Cage

    In this course you will learn the advantages and disadvantages of each cage type. From screen to glass to hybrids cages. You won’t have to get someone else’s opinion because you will have all the information for yourself and know which one is right for your particular situation.

    panther chameleon baby
    Setting Up a Chameleon Cage

    The design of your chameleon’s habitat is critical. Learn how to make a perfect cage environment for your perfect miniature tree dragon!

    chameleon cages
    Maintaining Your Chameleon Cage

    Once your cage is set up it is time to listen to your chameleon to fine tune it. And then there are certain maintenance duties that are necessary to keep your environment running smoothly.

    Machakos hills jacksons chameleon
    Learn Chameleon Behavior

    Chameleons communicate in their own special body language and it is up to us to learn how to interpret their signals. This “course” is more a visual reference for you to check when you aren’t sure what is going on!

    female jacksons chameleon
    Basic Chameleon Medical

    It is important to know when things are going wrong and catch it early. Here is a visual reference of medical conditions.

    Keep Up To Date on the Chameleon Academy

    Sign up for this weekly newsletter to learn about events and releases across all the Chameleon Academy outreaches. This includes a weekly topic of discussion, podcast, videos, and events. (Please check your inbox/spam/junk folder for the confirmation email)

      We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
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