Welcome to your multi-media chameleon education resource!
The Chameleon Academy Newsletter
As part of the Chameleon Academy outreach I hold three live, interactive sessions per week on the Chameleon Academy YouTube account.
Current Live Session Schedule:
Tuesday’s 5-6PM Pacific on Chameleon Academy YouTube
Saturdays 12 Noon – 1PM Pacific on Chameleon Academy YouTube
Click here for a Chameleon Cage Shopping List!
Buying a Chameleon Egg
New Webpage
The Most Common Chameleon Husbandry Questions
New To Chameleons!
What do I need to know?
If you are not sure where to start – Start here!
Surprised by Chameleon Babies!
What Do I do?
Surprise! Some chameleons have live birth! Click here for emergency information if this happens to you!
Why is My Chameleon Acting Like This?
Chameleons have a wide range of behaviors. Click here to start learning what they mean!
Is My Chameleon Okay?
When Should I to go to a Vet?
We can’t replace a vet’s expert eye, but it is important you know the warning signs of a health problem!
Which Chameleon Should I Get?
So you are doing it right and researching your chameleon. But how to make a decision from all the incredible chameleons out there? Here is some insight to help you make an informed decision!
How do I Handle My Chameleon?
Chameleons are uniquely structured animals. Here is how to handle them properly.
What Plants Can I Use For My Chameleon Cage?
Here is a guide to selecting and using safe plants for your chameleon cage!
Transitioning from the Chameleon Kit
One of the most common starter cages is the ZooMed Chameleon Kit. But the set-up must be exact and you must quickly transition to the adult cage set-up. This seminar tells you how to do it.
Courses Available
The first term of the Chameleon Academy has been launched with Getting Started With Chameleons. This collection of courses assumes no prior knowledge of chameleons and guides you through the important steps towards a long, healthy life for your chameleon. These courses can be viewed independently, of course, but they are designed to flow one after another. If you would like to go through the entire set of courses as intended, then start with Chameleon Basics and follow the navigation at the bottom of each page. Please enjoy the course presentations that make up Term 1: Getting Started With Chameleons.
The Latest Academy News
When we try to pick out anything by itself we find that it is bound fast, by a thousand invisible cords that cannot be broken, to everything in the universe.