Chameleon Husbandry Program Term 1: Getting Started With Chameleons

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The Chameleon Husbandry Program
Term 1: Getting Started With Chameleons

Welcome to the Chameleon Academy Chameleon Husbandry Program Term 1!

This is the place to start in your chameleon journey. This will not be a place for quick answers. The academic term structure is in place to allow us the space to go deep. When you have completed this first term you will have a working knowledge on what needs to be done to keep a healthy chameleon. This gets you started and on your feet. In our second term we will dive deep into the theory and explore the limits of what we know about the basics such as lighting and hydration. But, that is for later! For now, let’s get you started with the Chameleon Husbandry Program!

Term 1 is centered around getting you prepared to make educated decisions regarding which chameleon to get and what equipment you will need. Each module covers a different aspect and they are arranged in the order that you would ideally go through to make your decisions. The perfect situation is that this finds you three months out from bringing your chameleon home and you are able to do everything in the best order. But life isn’t always clean cut. You may have just returned home from a show or pet store having purchased a chameleon on an impulse buy. Or maybe a roommate moved out leaving you the sudden keeper of a chameleon. That is okay because you can select whatever module is relevant to your situation and bypass the steps that are behind you.

You will find a logical progression in the coursework. I am assuming you have an interest and curiosity, but I hold no other assumptions as far as experience. We will start from step one and build up from there block by block.

Academic Term 1: Getting Started With Chameleons

Chameleon Basics

Chameleon Basics

In this class you will learn the basic subjects that all chameleon keepers must understand to be successful. These subjects will be expanded upon for the rest of the course load at the Chameleon Academy. This is the foundation!

This is a summary of the basic important points of chameleon husbandry. After  going through these lectures and reading the text you will have a working knowledge on what is important to research and know about chameleon keeping. This introductory class is not meant to give answers, but to make you aware of what is important that you become aware of. This class firms the foundation of the entire program.

Choosing Your Chameleon

Choosing Your Chameleon

We go over all the consideration that come along with choosing a chameleon including species, age, gender, and origin.

Which would be better for you – a Veiled or Panther Chameleon? Maybe a Jackson’s or a Carpet Chameleon? Should you get male or female? captive bred or wild caught? Adult? Juvenile? Where should you buy one from? In this class we go over all of that so you can make the right decision!

Selecting Your Chameleon Cage

Selecting a Chameleon Cage

Your chameleon cage forms the foundation of the entire chameleon environment you will be creating. Selecting the right one for your species and situation up front makes your set-up project correct the first time. We give you the information necessary to make the educated decision between screen, glass, or a hybrid cage. You also will know what size cage will suit your chameleon’s needs.

Your chameleon cage is the foundation for your entire environment. In this class we explore the common materials used in chameleon cages from screen to glass and hybrids inbetween. We review how to decide on both the correct materials for your environment and the best size for your chameleon species.

Setting Up Your Chameleon's Cage

Setting Up Your Chameleon's Cage

Learn how to make an exceptional chameleon environment the first time!

We go through each step of building up a chameleon cage from planning to execution. By the end of this class you will have your first chameleon cage buiult and an understanding that will allow you to evaluate chameleon cage set-ups for effectiveness.

Maintaining Your Chameleon's Cage

Maintaining Your Chameleon's Cage

Optimize your chameleon’s cage and keep it running in top shape!

Once you get your chameleon’s home set up you need to throw away the care sheet. From this point on you are listening to the undisputed expert – your chameleon!

In this class, we learn how to read the communication that is coming to us from our chameleon that will tell us what to change on the cage. We also go over keeping plants alive and the daily maintenance duties and systems checks you should do to make sure the entire system is running with top performance.

Chameleon Behavior

Chameleon Behavior

Chameleons are communicating all the time. We just have to learn what they are saying and we can use what we learn from them to give them a better life!

Chameleons tell us a great deal with their body language. In this course we explore the different signals you can egt from your chameleon to indicate they are content, agitated, or getting sick.

Basic Chameleon Medical Conditions

Basic Chameleon Medical Conditions

Like all living things, chameleons can get sick. Here we cover some of the most common afflictions that affect chameleons.

Like all living creatures, chameleons can get sick and have medical conditions. In this module we give you a high level view into what some of the most common health issues are and how to prevent them. Chameleon medicine is just as complicated as any other medicine and could take up a whole book itself, but there are some common ailments to watch out for. With proper husbandry you can prevent these conditions, but should they happen, quick identification allows a much higher success rate in treatment.