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Contact Us - Chameleon Academy

Contact Us

Live Office Hours:

The absolute best way to get in contact with me is to come to one of my weekly live sessions. During these “office hours” you can ask a question in the chat and I can answer it live.

I have two office hours every week.

Tuesday Evening 5PM Pacific on Instagram. Find @chameleon_academy

Saturday afternoon, 12PM Noon Pacific on Youtube. Find Chameleon Academy YouTube



Contact Opportunities:

Website issues: If you have a question regarding this website or have found something that needs attention please  email me directly at bill@chameleonacademy.com. Are there things you would like to see? Please let me know. I have an enormous amount of information I am preparing for constant updates here. I welcome your input as to what you are interested in seeing.

Questions about Chameleons: The best way to get a specific question about your chameleon answered is to come to The Chameleon Enthusiasts Facebook group. I am part of the team there and you will find consistent advice in the world filled with an enormous variety of opinions.

Chameleon Cage Question: If you are interested in Dragon Strand cages then please email: bill@dragonstrand.com

Newsletter Sign-up

To keep up to date on what is new here at the Chameleon Academy sign up for the email newsletter which comes out once a month.