Course: Chameleon Basics
Welcome to a crash course on Chameleon Basics. This mini-course is designed to touch on the highlights and get you started quickly. You may know some of it, but I encourage you to read through each section. The sections have a bullet point summary on top to give you an overview and then there is a brief explanation of each element. Within each section you may find further study links will take you deeper into the chosen subject. It could be a podcast, a video, or another article. These are included if your interest in the subject goes deeper than just the introductory paragraph. How deeply you explore is up to you. You are encouraged to skim through the entire course and then come back to the items most relevant to your situation. This course is designed to allow someone to expose themselves to the basics of chameleon keeping in 20 minutes. At the end you will know what needs to be done. The further study links are when you want to truly understand why you are doing it. But the most important thing is to get your chameleon in the best environment possible. From there you have time to understand the details. You can come back whenever you like to learn more!
To take this class, start with Module 1: Chameleons as Pets and follow the links at the end of each section to go on. To access individual sections within this course simply click on the section header below.
Each one of these modules is a summary and overview of the topic. In depth detail will follow in subsequent classes. In Term 1 you will get the basics and a working knowledge. In term 2 you will be immersed in the theory. But first, let’s get to know the basic important elements of chameleon husbandry. Click on Module 1 to get started!
Module 1
Chameleons As Pets
Learn what kind of pet a chameleon makes and whether that is right for you.
Module 2
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Chameleon Hydration
Proper hydration is critical for chameleon health. Here is how to pull it off.
Module 7
Chameleon Cage Floor
Your chameleon cage floor needs just as much planning. We get acquainted with drainage and substrate trays.
Module 8
Module 9
Module 10
Chameleon Nutrition
We make our feeder insects as nutritious as possible through gutloading the feeders and supplementing.
Module 11
Handling Chameleons
We love to interact with things we love. But chameleons are a different creature all together. We need to learn about chameleon culture!
Module 12
Chameleon Basics is a class that is part of the Term 1: Getting Started With Chameleons coursework which gives you a basic exposure to the important issues in chameleon husbandry. Once you understand the basics it is time to consider which chameleon should come home with you. For that, we go on to the next course in Term 1 which is Choosing Your Chameleon!