Selecting a Chameleon Cage

Course: Selecting a Chameleon Cage

chameleon cage forest edge

Coming in to the chameleon world now means you have more choices than ever before. This can be great… but, as a beginner, it can also be a bit overwhelming. What size should your cage be? Should it be glass? Screen? A hybrid of the two? This course starts with a summary. If you just want an answer and from a trusted source then the “Bottom Line Up Top” summarizes the research and gives you the results of all the data. You may take that and move on if you do not have the time to learn the secrets of the universe. But, to understand the reasoning behind the recommendations scroll past them and investigate the modules. These modules will break down how to choose an effective chameleon cage using two main parameters: size and ventilation. If you keep these two things in mind, selecting a good cage will be worlds easier. We then explore the different caging materials. 

Special note: I (Bill Strand) am the founder and owner of the Dragon Strand Chameleon Caging Company. Thus I am one of the most qualified individuals to judge caging, but, at the same time, perhaps would be accused of being biased. To that I say that I am constantly perfecting my cage designs and manufacturing. I see my job of creating the best chameleon cages as an art. Thus, if I see some way of improving the cage I can do it. This is the advantage of being small and nimble. I am constantly improving the cages to meet the needs of chameleon keepers and provide them with the tools to implement the latest in our husbandry practices. Thus their prominent inclusion on a list of the best chameleons cages!

Bottom Line Up Top: Which Chameleon Cage Should I Get?

All the cage choices can be confusing. Which of all the features are actually important? This trick is to realize that the cage is just a tool and using the cage properly is the key to bringing out its full potential. It is better to use a less appropriate cage expertly than to use the biggest cage available poorly. Thus, our cage recommendations here come with full build plans, shopping lists, and strategy discussion for how to use the cage best.

Featured Cage For February 2020:

Dragon Strand Tall Screen Cage System

Tall Screen Cage

For February I am building out one of the new Dragon Strand Tall Screen Cage Systems. This system consists of a 2′ x 2′ x 4′ screen cage but also includes six Dragon Ledges, a Hydration Mount for a mist head, a fitted Drainage Tray, and an additional screen floor.

The unique feature of this screen cage is that the back panel is actually solid to protect the walls and furniture from mist overspray. So, in this cage build, I use each of these features to their full benefit and create a high end build.

This build guide uses the unique features of the Dragon Strand Tall Screen Cage system, but it is written in a way such that the principles can easily be applied to any of the commonly available 2′ x 2′ x4′ cages.

Featured Cage For January 2020:

Exo-Terra Large/X-Tall Screen Cage

Exo Terra Cage Build

To kick this off I am going to do a case study build guide for my pick for the best of the entry level cages. For the best of the cheaper mass market cages, I select the Exo-Terra Large X-Tall screen cage. This cage broke out of the standard 24″ x 24″ x 48″ mold that has been copied over and over. The Large X-Tall is 36″ wide x 18″ deep x 36″ tall. This is a very effective wide format cage. The biggest downside to this cage is the inclusion of a substrate tray, but no floor panel or drainage tray. Thus a drainage solution is required. In the Exo-Terra Large/X-Tall shopping list and cage application guide I provide a do-it-yourself drainage solution with easily obtainable items.

Take a look, try it out, and come back for more Case Studies in the future!

Coursework for Selecting Your Chameleon Cage

Module 1

Cage Size

Cage size is a critical component to being able to care for your chameleon. In this module we select a proper cage size for your species of chameleon.

Module 2

Cage Types

Whether full screen, full glass, or hybrid, each is a tool with an appropriate application. In this module we help you pick the right one for your situation.

Module 3

Screen Chameleon Cages

Learn about working with screen caging and shopping for the right one.

Module 4

Hybrid Chameleon Cages

Learn about working with Hybrid caging and shopping for the right one.

Module 5

Glass Chameleon Terrariums

Learn about working with Glass caging and shopping for the right one.


Selecting a Chameleon Cage is a class that is part of the Term 1: Getting Started With Chameleons  coursework which gives you a basic exposure to the important issues in chameleon husbandry. Selecting the proper cage for your chameleon is an important step. Although you can definitely go on and see what is ahead, determining the cage you will use will put the rest of the information in context as to what it means to you in your particular situation.  We will get deep into detail with the next course, Setting Up Your Chameleon Cage!

Term 1: Chameleon Husbandry Course List

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Next Course: Setting Up Your Chameleon Cage

forest edge chameleon cage

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