How to Care for the Jackson's Chameleon
The Jackson’s Chameleon is an iconic chameleon. Its three horns have enthralled dinosaur enthusiasts. Originally from Kenyan and Tanzania, feral populations have sprung up in Hawaii and the US mainland. It is well represented in the pet trade and thus demands attention for proper care. It is a live bearer and it is common for keepers to be surprised by new born babies. While exciting, it is also a stressful time for new keepers. This profile starts with a basic care summary and follows with a full chameleon profile course which gives details for those who desire to know the Jackson’s Chameleon more deeply.
I have multi-media resources available for Jackson’s Chameleon research. Included here are Care Guides. The advantage of a care guide is that all the information is presented at once in a simple manner. The disadvantage is that there is no way to simplify the husbandry of a chameleon without losing valuable information! So the companions to this care guide are both a web page, videos, and podcast episodes. Scan the care guide and then either read or listen to the detailed description. Then the care guide will serve as a reminder. But you will always know where to reference the details!
Multi-media Jackson's Chameleon Care Summary
Multi-media Jackson's Chameleon Care Summary

Bill Strand
Jackson's Chameleon Care Summary
Click the above audio player to listen to a short audio summary of Jackson’s Chameleon Care. (You can also find it on the Chameleon Academy Podcast through your podcast app).