
Bacterial infections in chameleons

Ep 63: Bacterial Infections in Chameleons with Dr. Rob Coke DVM

Bacteria are all around us and our chameleons. Some bacteria helps us in a symbiotic relationship and some bacteria can kill us if it takes hold. Chameleons have the same life challenge so obviously, it is important we understand bacteria and how to treat infections. But what exactly is bacteria? Isn’t it all around us? When does bacteria turn dangerous? We are going to answer these questions and more today as we dive in to understanding the relationship of bacteria and our chameleons.



Thank you, Dr. Rob Coke, DVM for sharing your insight into the world of bacterial infections! All images are courtesy of Dr. Rob Coke DVM

Dr. Rob Coke DVM - Chameleon vet
Dr. Rob Coke is the Director of Veterinary Care at the San Antonio Zoo and has a passion for chameleons.


Chameleon mouth rot
Abscess from detection to removal. The best thing to do is keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary!


Chameleon stomatitis
Bacterial infections can easily grow. This infection can be seen between the lips. Get to the vet as soon as your detect something like this. The earlier you catch it the better the chances for recovery!


Chameleon with mouth rot
This is a common infection in chameleons caused by bacteria taking advantage of a compromised immune system.


chameleon with bacterial infections on his tongue
This chameleon has the misfortune of having multiple infections on his tongue.


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