Creating Your Chameleon’s Sanctuary Live Class
When we bring a chameleon into our home we are starting on an incredible journey of discovery. And to understand how to properly care for this miniature tree dragon we need to get into a different mind set than we are used to.
In this online course I will introduce you to using the cage to create a sanctuary for your chameleon. We will do away with the idea that the cage is for containing a creature and replace it with the perspective that the cage is the borders of a floating garden that nourishes the chameleon inside. For this we need to understand a day in the life of a chameleon and what we need to provide for our chameleon’s physical and emotional well being.
Chameleon husbandry is a huge topic and so we must take it one step at a time. This course is a high level look at chameleon husbandry and the mindset we need to have. We will focus mainly on the “Forest Edge 4+4” checklist which we can use to gauge the effectiveness of the cage interior. We will run through what a forest edge is and review the 4 Gradients (heat, UVB, humidity, exposure) and the 4 branches (perching, drinking, eating, sleeping). Using this checklist you can start evaluating cage designs with respect to the needs of the chameleon.
Sections include:
- Understanding a day in the life of a chameleon
- What is important about the cage itself
- Introduction to the Forest Edge 4+4 components
- How to plan and arrange the cage interior
- Monitoring success
- Using plants
- Introduction to light and hydration
This class will benefit people wanting to come at their chameleon husbandry with the chameleon’s needs in mind.
Learn about the daily needs of your chameleon. Before we can set up the cage we need to understand what the chameleon needs from the cage. It is easy to set up the cage based on what we want, but this is often the opposite of what your chameleon needs.
Learn how to set up your cage to meet you chameleon’s needs. I will go over basic methods for actually putting the interior together. From branch uses and plant types to placement strategies.
Develop the “Sanctuary” mindset. When we focus on our desire to see the chameleon we create a holding cell. But when we focus on providing our chameleon with what it needs we take a holistic view of creating an environment. By creating and maintaining a living environment, our chameleon has a sanctuary in which it feels safe and is nourished. This class is your first step in developing the Sanctuary mindset.
What is a Live Class?
A Live Class is a webinar where you register for a class and are able to attend on your computer or even smart phone. I will be presenting the subject live and will answer questions after the presentation. You will be able to select from three possible times to attend.
Each class is presented live on the designated dates. Once registered, you will be emailed a link that will allow you access to the live classroom. There is no software needing to be downloaded. The class is compatible with the major internet browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Internet Explorer) . There will be a live chat and you will be able to type in questions to interact
The class will run between 60 – 90 minutes with a question and answer section afterwards.
This is a chance to get more familiar with chameleon husbandry in a new format that is uniquely suited towards education.
How Do I Attend?
Join me one one of the three dates by clicking the registration bar at the bottom of this page. You only need to give your name and an email address to receive the classroom link.
Currently scheduled dates are:
May 5, 2020 Tuesday 10AM PDT
May 7, 2020 Thursday 6PM PDT
May 9, 2020 Saturday 10AM PDT
I hope to see you there!