Ep 147: Planning a Trip to Kenya with Jan Stipala
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Bill Strand
Ep 147: Planning A Trip to Kenya
One of the most exciting things a chameleon enthusiast can do is visit chameleons in their home country. And today I am going to talk with Jan Stipala about some nuts and bolts of planning a trip to Kenya.
“Mountain Dragons” is a beautifully photographed record of Jan Stipala’s research into the highland species of Kenya’s chameleons. Each page is filled with large photographs of chameleons many of us have never heard of, much less seen pictures of. In here we see the amazing variation in appearance of species such as Trioceros jacksonii and Trioceros hoehneli. This is a coffee table book that looks gorgeous, but it is also filled with information and an extensive species profile section in the back. This is one of those books that belongs in every serious chameleon enthusiast’s library!
I am lucky to be able to make this available for US customers. The US postal service is generous in offering special media rates for books. If you live in Canada or elsewhere please email me at bill@chameleonacademy.com and we will work it out!