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Ep 62: Madagascar Environments with Mark Scherz - Chameleon Academy


Furcifer and Calumma chameleon environments

Ep 62: Madagascar Environments with Mark Scherz

Join me as I talk with Mark Scherz and we learn about how chameleon species are determined and how they get their names! Mark studies the herpetofauna in Madagascar and gives us a fascinating insight into the life and work of a scientist studying chameleons! All photos on this page are courtesy of Mark Scherz

Mark Scherz studying chameleons and other herps of Madagascar


Calumma peyrierasi

Here is the profile shot of Calumma peyrierasi. Mark reported that this was the blackest chameleon he has seen.

Calumma peyrierasi chameleon


And a rare shot of the environment of these high altitude chameleon species!

Calumma peyrierasi chameleon natural habitat


Furcifer Chameleon Habitats

Furcifer chameleon habitat

Furcifer Verrucosus chameleon habitat


Calumma Chameleon Habitats

Calumma Chameleon habitat

Calumma chameleon habitat




Mark Scherz with chameleon

If you would like to follow Mark you can check out his blog through the link below.


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