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Ep 27: Lighting Your Chameleon with Todd Goode - Chameleon Academy


Juvenile Veiled Chameleon

Ep 27: Lighting Your Chameleon with Todd Goode

Summary: Today we talk with Todd Goode from LightYourReptiles.com about the critical issue of lighting for chameleons. Listen in as some technical terms are defined and we discuss proper lighting for good chameleon husbandry.

You can listen here:



Tanzania Shuts Down for Three Years. We started off with the news that Tanzania is closing down imports for three years.  Another illegal shipment, this time of monkeys, was intercepted and, like last time this happened, they have decided that the best way to curb illegal smuggling and poaching is to shut down the legal trade until the legal trade can show that there are procedures in place to ensure that the illegal trade cannot happen. You can read about the news here:


Solarmeter Recall Serial Number List. If you have a Solar meter and would like to check whether it is affected by the problem with the recall then check the serial number here:



Your UVB Research List!

If you follow the links here you will be given the fast track to understanding UVB and the whirlwind of opinions surrounding the matter.

Basic Introduction to Lighting:

  1. Two articles in the Chameleons! eZine. Start here for a pre-requisite overview of lighting and UVB.

Lighting For Chameleons Part 1 by Andy Beveridge

Lighting For Chameleons Part 2 by Dave Weldon


2. “How much UV-B does my reptile need?” This is a free study available at the following link:

How Much UV-B Does My Reptile Need?

3. Interview with Dr. Gary Ferguson

4. UV Guide UK – A website dedicated to evaluating lighting for the reptile industry. A GREAT reference!

5. Youtube interview with Francis Baine

6. Francis Baine Blog post interview with Frans Kusuma

7. UVB needs in captive reptiles. This is a paid study by Dr. Gary Anderson, but is the stepping stone others used to grow to where we are today.

8. Familiarize yourself with the affects of adding a reflector hood (double the light output) or having your light shine through the standard screen cage mesh. http://www.uvguide.co.uk/fluorescenttubemeshtests.htm

9. Free Consultation and lighting design evaluation!

Send any inquiries and images of your cage to Todd at lightyourreptiles@yahoo.com.