Ep 144: Draco Flying Dragon with Charles Mcallister
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The Draco flying dragon is an incredible species that has the ability to shoot through the air from tree to tree. But it has been exceptionally hard to establish in captivity. Today I talk with breeder Charles Mcallister about the start of the captive breeding community.

Charles Mcallister is a reptile breeder that guides us through his experiences as he dedicated his efforts solely towards unlocking the mysteries of the enigmatic Draco flying dragon. The images that follow are from Charles’ private breeding collection. Charles currently works with Draco maculatus, sometimes known as the Spotted Flying Dragon. This species is widespread through southeast Asia. Though Dracos have always been highly valued in captive collections they have failed to establish a foothold due to the poor condition imported adults come in. The death rate, added to the common thought that they needed ants or termites to survive, kept any captive establishment at bay. Charles has produced a substantial first generation and is working on the second captive generation. Where wild caught adults are flighty, the captive hatch specimens, while active, are calm and do not show the same fear of humans. It is efforts like this that are encouraging and show that we still are in an era of advancement in our breeding efforts.
The Draco community is still forming. We are at the beginning stages and we have the pleasure of watching it as it grows. On this podcast I will continue to share advancements and achievements in this exciting effort.
Eggs of the Dragon

Welcome to the World, Baby Dracos!

Growing Up

Coming of Age

Those Incredible Wings!

The Mating Dance and the Next Generation