
Rhampholeon chapmani chameleon

Ep 20: Dr. Chris Anderson and Chameleon Conservation

Summary:Dr. Chris Anderson discusses life as a chameleon research scientist and hobbyist.  We talk about chameleon conservation and how the chameleon community can be part of conservation projects.

You can listen here:

Links from today’s podcast with Dr. Chris Anderson

Dr. Chris Anderson’s personal website

Chameleons! eZine : The single best compilation of chameleon community knowledge on the web – for free! Editing and produced by Dr. Chris Anderson.

IUCN Chameleon Specialist Group:

Chameleon Forums:

Facebook Pages affiliated with Dr. Anderson

Chameleon Specialists GroupHighly recommended as a link to what is going on in the scientific community regarding chameleons.

Chamaeleonidae (Chameleon) Discussion: Posts tend toward the advanced level.

Podcast sponsor: Dragon Strand Chameleon Caging Company

Dragon Strand